Sep. 8th
1PM Berkeley Time
Speaker: Dimitri Petrov
Topic: Adaptation genomics
Sep. 29th
11AM Berkeley Time
Speaker: Amaury Lambert
Topic: Population ecology in speciation
Oct. 13th
4PM Berkeley Time
Speaker: Daniel Ortiz-Barrientos
Topic: Early stage speciation in groundsel species complex
Oct. 27th
1PM Berkeley Time
Speaker: Jason Weir
Topic: Hybridization and introgression in Amazonian birds
Nov. 10th
1PM Berkeley Time
Speaker: Erica Bree Rosenblum
Topic: Species young and old
Dec. 15th
Speaker: Charles Langley
Topic: The descent of centromere proximal regions in Drosophila and humans: introgression and geographic differentiation
Dec. 8th
Time: 1PM Berkeley Time
Speaker: Doris Bachtrog
Topic: Sex chromosome evolution and speciation-introgression in Drosophila
Sep. 1st
1PM Berkeley Time
Speaker: Hopi Hoekstra
Topic: A chromosomal inversion drives adaptation of multiple traits in deer mice
Sep. 22nd
11AM Berkeley Time
Speaker: Rike Stelkens
Topic: Yeast hybridization
Oct. 6th
1PM Berkeley Time
Speaker: Jenny Tung, Arielle Fogel
Topic: Cause and consequence of hybridization in Baboons
Oct. 20th
1PM Berkeley Time
Speaker: Yusan Yang
Topic: Learned mating behaviors and reproductive isolation
Nov. 3rd
1PM Berkeley Time
Speaker: Kira Delmore
Topic: Migratory divides and speciation in birds
Nov. 17th
1PM Berkeley Time
Speaker: Lila Fishman
Topic: Mimulus speciation genomics
Dec. 1st
1PM Berkeley Time
Speaker: Samridhi Chaturvedi
Topic: Quantifying predictability of evolution in speciation