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Aug. 5th 2PM 2020

Topic: Darwin finches speciation & gene flow

Guest: Rosemary & Peter Grant

Aug. 26th 4PM 2020

Topic: Sunflower speciation genomics

Host: Greg Owens

Guest:  Loren Rieseberg

Sep. 16th 4PM 2020

Topic: ecological & genomic basis of explosive adaptive radiation

Guest: Matthew D. McGee 

Oct. 7th, 1PM 2020

Topic: Wild tomato invasion and adaptive(?) introgression on the Galapagos

Guest: Leonie Moyle

Oct. 28th 4PM 2020

Topic: Flying lizard introgression genomics

Host: Jim Mcguire

Nov. 18th 4PM 2020

Topic: Plasticity and divergence in recombination in Drosophila

Guest: Nadia Singh

Dec. 9th 4PM PDT 2020

Topic: Transient reinforcement of post-mating prezygotic barriers

Guest: Yaniv Brandvain

Jan. 13th 1PM PDT 2021

Topic: Dobzhansky-Muller incompatibilities in a world with positive epistasis

Guest: Daniel Bolnick


Feb. 2nd 10AM 2021

Topic: Hybridization & adaptation in Ants

Guest: Jonna Kulmuni

Feb. 24th 1PM PDT 2021

Topic: Lethal Mutation in natural Drosophila populations

Guest: Sarah Marion, Mohamed Noor

March 17th 1PM PDT 2021

Topic: Fitness landscapes, speciation & extinction

Guest: Ryo Yamaguchi

April 7th 1PM PDT 2021

Topic: The genomics of local adaptation in New World sparrows

Guest: Jennifer Walsh-Emond

April 27th 11AM PDT 2021

Topic: The role of sex chromosomes in speciation (theory & data)

Guest: Christelle Fraisse

May 19th 1PM PDT 2021 

Topic: Genomic conflicts & complex speciation in Drosophila

Guest: Daven Presgraves

June 9th 1PM PDT 2021

Topic: Admixture and highland adaptation in maize

Guest: Erin Calfree

June 30th

Topic: reinforcement and cascade speciation 

Guest: Becky Fuller

July 21st

Topic: signal divergence & speciation in birds

Guest: Albert Uy

Aug. 11th 

Topic: Population differentiation in neotropical fishes

Guest: Andrea Thomaz

Aug. 12th 4PM 2020

Title: Morning glory species co-occurrence and cascading reproductive isolation

Guest: Kate Ostevik

Sep. 2nd 4PM 2020

Topic: Assortative mating is ineffective for speciation 

Guest: Darren Irwin

Sep. 23rd 1PM 2020

Topic: Introgression among extant species and deep in Heliconius phylogeny.

Guest: James Mallet

Oct. 14th 4PM 2020

Topic: A cautionary tale of hybrid speciation in Phlox

Guest: Robin Hopkins

Nov. 4th 4PM 2020

Topic: Speciation in barn swallows: Testing barriers related to reproductive isolation in hybrid zones

Guest: Rebecca Jo Safran

Nov. 25th

No discussion

Happy Thanksgiving

Dec. 16th 4PM PDT 2020

Topic: Rockfish adaptive radiation & introgression

Host: Peter Sudmant

Jan. 20th 1PM PDT 2021

Topic: Genomic drivers of Penguin diversification (and a bit more) 

Host: Rauri Bowie

Feb. 10th 1PM PDT 2021

Topic: Gene flow & speciation of mouse lemurs

Guest: Anne Yoder

March 3rd 10AM PDT 2021

Topic: Introgression

Guest: Graham Coop

March 24th, 1PM PDT, 2021

Topic: Sex chromosome, introgression, & speciation of sticklebacks 

Guest: Mark Kirkpatrick

April 14th, 1PM PDT, 2021

Topic: Adaptive hybridization’s consequences

Guest: Karin Pfennig

May 5th, 1PM PDT, 2021

Topic: Phenotypic and genetic basis of natural selection against hybrids

Guest: Ken Thompson 

May 26th 1PM PDT 2021

Topic: Population genomics of herbicide resistance

Guest: Julia Kreiner

June 16th 1PM PDT 2021

Topic: Recombination and selection against introgressed DNA

Guest: Carl Veller

July 7th

Topic: Formation, reformation and deformation of a structural barrier to gene flow

Guest: Simon Martin

July 28th

Topic: Evolution of hybrid fitness and introgression

Guest: Andrius Dagilis

Aug. 18th

Topic: Speciation, call and larynx variation, in an Amazonian frog complex

Guest: Mike Ryan

Aug. 18th 9AM 2020

Topic: Late stages of speciation

Guest: Nick Barton

Sep. 9th 4PM 2020

Topic: Linkage vs. pleiotropy between locally adapted traits and mating cues

Guest: Maria Servedio

Sep. 30th 1PM 2020

Topic: Selection on pigmentation genes leads to rapid phenotypic evolution in a finch radiation

Guest: Leonardo Gampagna

Oct. 21st 4PM 2020

Topic: Stages of Vertebrates adaptive radiation--spatiotemporal perspective

Host: Emilie Richards

Nov. 11th 4PM 2020

Topic: The role of the Z Chromosome in Barn Swallow speciation

Guest: Drew Schield

Dec. 2nd 4PM PDT 2020 

Topic: Recombination & speciation in mice 

Guest: Bret Payseur

Winter Break ;)

   Jan. 27th 1PM PDT 2021

Topic: parental conflict and the evolution of reproductive isolation

Guest: Jenn Coughlan

Feb. 17th 4PM PDT 2021

Topic: Ecological Speciation of Atlantic Molly

Guest: Ingo Schlupp

March 10th, 1PM PDT 2021

Topic: The introgression of quantitative traits

Guest: Matt Hahn

March 31st, 1PM PDT, 2021

Topic: Speciation, hybridization, and introgression in warblers

Guest: David Toews

April 21st, 1PM PDT, 2021

Topic: Ecological speciation in plant-feeding insects

Guest: Catherine Linnen

May 12th, 1PM PDT, 2021

Topic: parallel evolution in Littorina snails

Guest: Anja Westram

June 2nd 1PM PDT 2021

Topic: Hybridization & speciation in swordtail fishes

Guest: Molly Schumer

June 23th 1PM PDT 2021

Topic: Adaptation, introgression, and speciation in hares

Guest: Jeff Good

July 12th 10AM

Topic: introgression in crops

Guest: Maud Tenaillon

Aug. 4th

Topic: Genomic Insights into Human Evolution

Guest: Priya Moorjani


© 2020 by Silu Wang

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